Providing Students Breakthrough STEM Technology with Upverter Education | Testimonial

Michael Rosales, Principles of Engineering Teacher at Florin High School in Sacramento, CA, is always searching for better technology and engineering resources for his students. With Upverter Education, he's able to introduce his students to the fundamentals of circuits and electronics while making learning fun and interactive.

Upverter Education Simplifying Electronics Design for Students | Testimonial

Cathy Adams, instructor at Frontier High School, Bakersfield, CA, shares how the Upverter Education curriculum helped spark her students’ interest in STEM by providing a hands-on learning experience while allowing students to move at their own pace.

Building a Robot from the Ground Up with Upverter Education | Testimonial

FIRST Robotics head coach Tom Dewey describes how Upverter Education has helped his students embrace robotics, from learning the fundamentals to how to build them from scratch. Upverter Education offers students at all levels the resources to create electronics, from printed circuit boards and beyond.

Upverter Education Provides Students Opportunities For Success in STEM | Testimonial 

Ken Lesley, Director of Engineering at Washington, D.C.’s McKinley Technology High School, shares how Upverter Education has helped put his students on the path to successful STEM careers.

Upverter Education Empowering The Next Generation of Innovators | Testimonial

Marshall Massengill, robotics mentor at the North Carolina School of Science and Math, shares how Upverter Education’s platform has helped his FIRST Robotics Competition team improve collaboration remotely.